November’s New Book Releases

By Paris Sanchez

As the weather cools and the days start to feel shorter, thanks to the sun leaving the sky earlier, you may find yourself losing motivation not only in your personal life but also in your hobbies. However, hobbies are, for me personally, what keep me from falling into seasonal depression. Lately, I’ve dedicated time at the end of each day to reading. Instead of scrolling mindlessly on my phone, I’ve made it a routine to read in bed, with a fall-scented candle, a warm cup of tea, and my cozy comforters. I also make sure my room is clean each night for this, which has, in turn, helped me keep my space neat.

In this article, I’ll be sharing a list of this month's book releases. Hopefully, you'll pick one up–and maybe my routine will inspire you to create your own, helping you get excited about reading. Or perhaps it’ll inspire a routine for any other hobby you enjoy! 

Fiction Releases

Non-Fiction Releases


Give Up Your Goodreads Challenge


Celebrating Picture Book Month and the Power of Visual Storytelling